Grand Magasin


Grand Magasin (Department Store) was founded in 1982 by Pascale Murtin and François Hiffler. Since then they have created around 30 plays and performances. In 2001 Bettina Atala joined the duo, and together they produced the productions: “-0 tâche(s) sur 1 ont étéeffectuées correctement,” “Voyez-vous ce que je vois ?” “5ème forum internationale du cinéma d'entreprise,” “Panorama commenté,” “Les déplacements du problème.” Since 2006 Grand Magasin has been working again as a duo. In “MAVIE” Pascale Murtin and François Hiffler relate their lives, and in “Mordre la poussière” their nightmares. In 2010 they started up their artistic research again, the result of which is “Les Rois du suspense.” Grand Magasin continue to circulate between various artistic formats, developing pieces like “Syndicat d’initiative” and “Prévisions pour…” In “Bilan de competences ” (2012), they work with vocal self-portraits of their guests.