Leonardo Moreira


Leonardo Moreira is already considered one of the most promising and talented playwrights in Brazil. His first work as a playwright and director, "Cachorro Morto" (2008) was nominated for the 02 FEMSA Awards (Best Play and Best Scenography). For his following work, "Escuro" (2009), he received the 03 Shell Award 2011 – Best Playwright, Best Scenography and Best Costume (also nominated for Best Director). In 2012, "O Jardim", his third work, was nominated for 19 of the most important awards of Brazil and won the Shell Award 2012 – Best Playwright, Governador do Estado Award – Best Play of the Year, APCA (Association of Art Critics of São Paulo) – Best Director, Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro – Best Playwright and Best Play. "O Jardim" was elected best play of the last years by several art critics. His other works have also been nominated for several awards this year: "O Silêncio Depois daChuva", "Menor que o Mundo" and "Prometheus". This last work has been invited to the Festival d'Avignon and to Edinburgh  for 2013. The current piece “Ficção / Fiktion” (2014) has been seen at the Mil Festival in Chile, at Theater der Welt in Mannheim and at Mousonturm Frankfurt.



