The Cambodian Space Project


The Cambodian Space Project was founded in 2009 by Australian guitarist and keyboard player Julien Poulson, with the extraordinary Cambodian singer Srey Channthy as lead singer. The band covers songs from the ‘60s, the golden age of Cambodian pop music, contributing equally to its preservation and to the creation of a wonderfully idiosyncratic Cambodian psychedelic rock. While the musicians have by now appeared all over the world, they are particularly proud of their shows in remote Cambodian villages. In 2011 their debut album “A Space Odyssey” was released. The cover songs on it include pearls of Cambodian pop music, which were originally performed by stars such as Pan Ron, Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Sereysothea. In commemoration of the genocide of the Khmer Rouge and the murdered musicians, they use instruments such as the tro, mixing this with the inventory of western rock music to create a sound that makes feet start dancing on their own.